Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

The sky is grey; a dreary unpleasant grey.

Freezing rain and sleet are falling.

Happy first day of March!


My friend sent this to me and it made me smile so I’m sharing it with y’all.

mantras from justine

I agree with all of these, but know in my heart that when it comes to practicing it in  real life, sometimes I fall short.


This week we had another 8 inches of snow, the never-ending winter is upon us.


Pretty isn’t it? – Now go away!



I made a snow break and went to the big city and got a new hair cut.  Afterwards while shopping at the grocery store a lady complimented me on my pretty hair.  That was really nice, it only took a few seconds for her to make me feel good.

 I think I’ll pass it along.



I also went to the feed store where I had to fight really hard to keep from coming home with a dozen of those adorable cute peeping chicks and ducklings.  Oh my that was hard.  I watched with complete unhidden envy as a young woman had her order of ducks boxed up.  I followed her out of the store and through the parking lot; listening to the peeps coming from the box that she carried.  I’m sure she thought I was a stalker until she realized it just happened that we were parked near each other.


I’m still a chicken keeper in training.

I’ve been reading about all the left-over kitchen scraps that chickens love to eat.

I’ve had no such luck.  Our girls apparently are finicky.

However, we had angel hair pasta the other night and I took a few leftover noodles out to them and the pasta war broke out.



They took turns slurping up the noodley goodness, until Ethyl reached over and grabbed the rest if the big old blob and then the fighting broke out.


Eventually they each grabbed an end and ate their way to the middle.


In a matter of seconds it was all gone and that was that.


Yesterday after lunch I stood at the kitchen sink cleaning up and looking out to the chicken yard, when I realized there was a great big villain (raccoon) eating out of the girls feeder.

Complete panic kicked in.  Mr. Cottage ran out and chased the intruder away.  He went up a tree that hangs over the coop.  The raccoon – not Mr. Cottage.

For the next few hours, I kept an eye on Mr. Raccoon, through the kitchen window as he slowly made his way down the tree and back into the chicken yard.

Mr. Cottage went out after him again, but Mr. Raccoon gave him the slip.



Oh my, isn’t that face adorable?


There isn’t a lot more we can do at this time to keep the girls safe.  We have to wait until the weather clears a bit, then we will be able to build a safer coop yard.  We knew the issue of predators would come up, it is part of living in the country and part of being chicken keepers.  Mr. Cottage isn’t a hunter, and I don’t like to kill anything.  But we have an obligation to our flock to keep them safe.

Mr. Cottage has looked into some firearms.


What have y’all been up to this week?

signature feather

6 thoughts on “mantras, pasta wars and cute villains

  1. Anonymous says:

    The cottage among the snow looks beautiful!

    Those raccoons sure cute, but they can do some damage. That’s why we got dogs. Most of the time that helps in our yard. Maybe have Betsy Beagle pee some near the coop…

    Stay warm.


    1. Hi Lisa – yes they are cute indeed. Betsy Beagle isn’t doing well, and I must make some difficult decisions soon. I had thought that when she passed, we would have a new dog or two come into our lives to be the keeper of the flock, but right now, I can’t think of that… xo kim


  2. Debra says:

    Oh dear. I don’t even want to tell you of the raccoon wars that have ben fought on our ground. Let me just put it this way: if you love Ethyl and Lucy, you will have to make the firearms decision quite soon. I hate to tell you, raccoons will kill just for the heck of it. They also get rabies. I had to have two separate series of rabies shots. Part of that story I’m not telling you…dear heart-I have cried buckets because I had to shoot a raccoon while my husband was working. I cried for weeks over it. But it came down to my geese-or them. We had a dog too. I think part of farming is making those heartfelt decisions-we are so far removed from all that. We can go to the store-someone else has done the butchering…all that.
    I just know that now, I have no problem taking the .22 outside if I need to. No problem at all.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wonderful post, Kim. Yes it sure is pretty, and yes, it can go away now. My favorite mantra was: if nothing is going right, turn left. That made me laugh! Also the image of the chickens eating both ends of the noodle and meeting in the middle. I love it when animals do what we do. It reminds me how we are all connected, and that really things are pretty funny.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Sarah says:

    I like that quote “Wag more and bark less”, both me and Tavi should do more of that! The chickens look if they are enjoying their food! Hope you can keep those raccoons away! Sarah x

    Liked by 1 person

  5. P.E.A.C.E. says:

    How wonderful to get a compliment on your hair! Love the Mark Twain saying that ‘I can go two weeks on a good compliment!’ Yes, that interloper has a cute face but evil intent towards your chickens, methinks. 😉 And my fave saying of your mantras is ‘I’m too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener’. Love that! Great post Kim! xo Gina


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