Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer


Hello, and Welcome to Red Dirt Farm and Studio.

Hi, I’m Kim and I have been married to my best friend for over thirty years.  We live in a 1930’s cottage-style farmhouse in Central Virginia. We have been renovating and building an addition to our home for the past few years, and probably will be for a few more.

I am an art maker and I am also a small-scale flower and chicken farmer.

Flowers From the Farm Gardens


I care for my animals and my flowers the same way, using nature as a guide, no chemicals, no pesticides for the plants, and no harmful antibiotics or steroids, for the animals; lots of love and taking the bad with the good.

Here I share stories and photos of my life and the things I cook and make, but this is not a how-to or a DYI, kind of blog. It is more like a letter written to a friend.  Please, introduce yourself and join along in the conversation, that’s what makes blogging fun for me.

We are blessed to live a beautiful life full of love and respect for each other, our animals and our planet  It isn’t always pretty or easy; actually,  caring for this small farm is a lot of hard work.

And that my friends, is what this blog is about, my artsy creative life here on our small farm.

 Welcome to Red Dirt Farm and Studio where I make things and paint happy little scenes with flowers and birds and bees and sometimes little chickens.  I write stories about my life here on the farm.

Join along as the adventures continue.



2022 update

P.S.  A new chapter in our life story is unfolding.  As we prepare to retire and begin a new life I hope you will join along.

November 2022 – A new update – so there we were planning our future retirement in South West, Florida, the house was purchased years ago and we were ready to move on.  Hurricane Ian made landfall in our town on September 28th, 2022, forever changing the landscape and changing our plans. Our town was destroyed and our house damaged.   Once again our plans have changed. Stay tuned…


Just a little view of my everyday life here at Red Dirt farm.

21 thoughts on “A Welcome to Red Dirt Farm and Studio

  1. Staci says:

    What a lovely post! I won’t be getting Martha’s award any time soon either – too many other good things to do. 🙂 I didn’t know you rescued animals. Wow! Something I’d love to do at some point…..


    1. lynda mckenzie says:

      my name is lynda mckenzie aka barger my mother is robyne mckenzie/ king jimmie sr was the man who raised me and they kept me away from you i would like to meet u some time soon if its ok


  2. Staci – life is too short to spend all your time cleaning house! Yep, my rescue babies got out of hand, we had 26 cats and 11 dogs at our highest point. They gave me so much joy, but it was a lot of work and very costly. I think you have your hands full with all your lovely chickens!


    1. lynda mckenzie says:

      my name is lynda mckenzie robyne and jimmie were my parents and kept me away from u last time i tried i bought the flowers that r on yoyr site me and aunt jan sneaked by and put them on your porch 3169002853


  3. Debra says:

    Oh Kim~I am so glad you are showing your wonderful art work. I am totally blown away by it. Have you submitted to any Stampington magazines? If not, you need to. Your mixed media jewelry and your art is glorious. I love the white bird in your header photo-is that a stitched design or chalk? PLEASE show more of your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Love, Debra


    1. Debra, I can not begin to tell you how much your kind words mean to me. I have an issue with not believing in my work and don’t promote it at all, or very little. I’ve rarely shared it on social media for fear I would sound like a commercial – or worse make a fool out of myself. I would love to share it with the Stampington Group, but I’m a chicken. New promise to myself to be brave and work on this. So your words of encouragement mean the world to me. I so respect your art work and will cherish your praise. Thank you, Kim


      1. Debra says:

        Yes-you really need to submit-have no fear, you really are a very fine artist.


      2. I so appreciate your message of encouragement, I hear it and I almost feel it in my heart.


  4. Beki says:

    Hi Kim – thank you for coming to visit my blog today. I love yours, and the idea of living in a colourful cottage with a tribe of rescued animals sounds like heaven! I look forward to seeing more of your posts 🙂


  5. You are an extraordinary person.


    1. What a generous and beautiful thing to say. Thank you.


  6. Jodee says:

    What a beautiful photo of an even more beautiful cottage! It has such a charm!


    1. Jodee – Thank you for stopping by and leaving a lovely comment. We think it is charming, but we might just be bias. Peace and blessing to you. Kim


  7. P.E.A.C.E. says:

    Just lovely! So glad I’ve happened upon your delightful blog. I can quickly see it is a place I will look forward to visiting. Warm wishes, Gina


    1. Welcome Gina – I hope you do visit from time to time and let me know your thoughts. xo Kim


  8. Cindy La Ferle says:

    I’m an artist with two furry rescued babies, too. One of our cars, Izzie, was a feral kitten running in our neighborhood when she ran under the tire of a neighbor’s car. Luckily, my husband helped the neighbor retrieve the kitten (Izzie) from underneath the car and brought her home to me.


    1. Hi Cindy – Hooray for your husband rescuing Izzie. I enjoy your blog and your art work. Thanks for stopping by.


  9. I have to tell you, that photo of your house stays with me and inspires me through times of doubt, when I question whether any of my dreams will come true. And let’s hear it for creative chaos!


  10. karen says:

    So happy for you…new adventures await. It will be so fun to have a full farm…lots of animals, Ethyl and Miss Lucy will be jealous at first but will learn to have a great time with all their new friends. Hope you heal fast and can get back to your art.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Mrs. N in Japan says:

    I got teary reading this ….and the having to create-I get that. Really get that. Just lovely and heartwarming post…I am going to love it at Red Dirt Farm….honestly one of the good things about this new year was finding this blog. Can’t rightly explain it but I just really feel blessed by finding it. xo


  12. christyg02 says:

    I’m so glad that I found your blog. I love chickens and flowers, and have dreams of being a flower farmer and having a flock of pet chickens. Your photos are beautiful and Lucy is adorable. Red Dirt Farm looks like paradise!


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