Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

I go to nature to be soothed and healed and to have my senses put in order.

John Burroughs

The sky is grey with a muted silver sun.  I head out with my camera and Boo.  Peanut is having more and more bad days and often is not able to join us on our walks.  Boo thinks this is grand because he loves having alone time with me.

First stop is to the koi pond to make sure all the fish are well and surviving the winter chill.

 The silver-grey reflections on the water are mesmerizing.




Gilligan swims by and assures me all is well in Love pond.  So I headed out to the western edge of the forest.

Boo keeps his nose to the ground.  So many wonderful things to smell, perhaps a deer came through recently, or a fox – maybe it was a bear.  He was certain he had trapped a large dragon over by the wood pile.



Even though my camera isn’t working correctly, I can’t help but try to capture, this time, this walk, this light.

 I went to a local camera shop last week, and they said it was most likely not worth putting money into a repair.  If I do go that route, I would have to go 6 to 8 weeks without it.  Gasp – just let the blood flow out of my body!



So hard to believe a week ago, we had two feet of snow.  Rain is coming tomorrow.





The ground is saturated with moisture; the leaves are holding that fresh earthy smell.  Pure bliss.  The girls unearth new growth, I think surely spring isn’t far away.


With all the snow melt, the pond out back is full.  Believe it or not, we have had pond peepers singing at dusk.  That is truly a springtime sound full of enchanted magic.

 I wonder, though, why do they only peep at the natural pond out back and not the pond we built out front?


The peafowl, check out their reflection in the water.



I’m glad you joined me on this walk through the enchanted forest.

xo kim

4 thoughts on “ramblings from the enchanted forest

  1. Are there fish in the pond you made? How delightful to have land to prowl and dragons to corner, peafowl to accompany you. Magical. I love the photos of the reflections in water, with glimpses of fish. Very cool. Your camera may not be working right but there is nothing wrong with your artist eye!


    1. Kim says:

      Ah Melissa, you say the kindest things to my heart! Yes, the koi pond out front is the one we built, added lots of koi and goldfish. The pond out back is natural, no fish – lots of peepers. xo k

      Liked by 1 person

  2. LaDonna Lewis says:

    Good morning – you capture some of the most amazing shots and I love to enjoy them. I too have been experiencing many changes (as you know). One is with a new email so I’ve been missing your wonderful blogs. I’m glad I remembered to check your website so I was able to get caught up and provide my new email for you. 🙂


    1. Kim says:

      hi LaDonna – I’m sorry that you have had your share of challenges to face. I also know that you are strong and a survivor and I know it is unpleasant to go through life changes, but you will be okay and stronger in the end – because that’s the way you roll. xo kim


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