Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

I had come across his path several times recently, on my way to the farm stand or the vegetable garden.

On this particular occasion, our eyes locked and we each stood our ground.  Finally, I asked him what his name is and he replied “Noble.”  I had no reason not to believe this was truth.

It is dark out, the sun has not come up yet.  Rain, loud on the tin roof.  Glorious, drenching heavy rain.  Desperately needed rain.  The perfect sleeping weather, alas I was wide awake by 3 am and by 4, decided I could no longer stay in bed.

I watched It’s a wonderful life this morning.  It remains on my recorded list year-round.

About Noble.

Hiding behind the zebra grass between the grape arbor, or standing under the pear tree eating to his stomachs content.  Grazing among the sweet annie or chomping on the wildflowers.

He has warty growths, or fibromas appear as firm, round, nodular, hairless, pigmented skin abnormalities adhered to or incorporated within the skin of deer.  The masses occur most frequently around the eyes, mouth, face, neck, and forelimbs, and may appear as a single mass or numerous growths.  The tumors are typically small (less than 5 inches across), dark brown or black in color, and their surface may be abraded or bleeding and in some case infected. Most often, fibromas occur in deer less than 2 years of age, with a higher incidence of disease in bucks.     in most cases not considered a health threat.

Young and yet full of grace and his name seems fitting.

I had some concern that he was always alone, but last night as I walked out to the farm stand there he was with 10 of his best friends.



Isn’t he Noble?

Rain is steady and daylight is just beging to make an appearance.


Yesterday, I dyed my hair purple.  Today I will…



xo Kim

14 thoughts on “He said his name is Noble

  1. Debbie says:

    I love that he told you his name… it is perfect. So good to see this post in my inbox… have missed hearing your voice and visiting Red Dirt Farm : ) And love the name Gypsy Dawn and your art-food-flower shop. So wish I could stop by… your neighbors are so lucky!! Looking forward to the next post already. It’s a Wonderful Life is wonderful anytime…did you know the story began as a Christmas Card the author’s daughter handed out at school…the book the movie is based on is called The Greatest Gift by Philip Van Doren Stern… xo Debbie

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Debbie – So nice to hear from you too. As always, you say the nicest things – thank you. My neighbors think I’m the crazy lady trying to sell stuff on the side of the road, and they haven’t hesitate to say as much. Bummer. Thank you for sharing about The Greatest Gift – such a lovely bit of writing, timeless and classy, something this world needs. xo kim


  2. says:

    I like the fourth photo below your text. It shows the deer and 3 chickens. They don’t seem to be concerned about him and he isn’t concerned about them. It might be possible that animals get along better than humans. New WP theme?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Miss Linda, I am amazed by the camaraderie shown by the animals that come and go here on the farm, I believe there is magic here on this piece of land. The funny thing is we have had a lot of deer this year, we always do, but this year seems to be really heavy and the roosters have been scared of them and have constantly been sounding the alarm, so all summer we are running outside in fear we are going to see lion,tigers and bears eating the girls, and it’s just a deer. The girls are much braver and are like ok it’s Noble all is good. I changed the theme over the summer – who knows why. I’m sure I had a reason at the time – but that was like so months ago, who can remember! xo kim

      Liked by 1 person

      1. says:

        Bwahahahahaha — lions, tigers and bears, oh my! I think there might be magic in all of nature and maybe we have to get older to see and appreciate it. I have a Powder Puff bush and a Firebush that attract all kinds of bees and wasps, butterflies and hummingbirds. There is plenty of nectar to go around and they don’t fight over it. Since I went to the .org side of WordPress, I’ve had all kinds of issues with my blog because I don’t code. I could learn but I just haven’t gotten around to it. This year got really bad. One of the developers at the WordPress meetings told me to find a simpler theme so I did that. It was going well and then… Anyway, all those ISSUES kept me from blogging. I now have my very own favicon that I made, a search button for cell phone users and other assorted problems worked out. The header photo is still an issue but I’ll get that fixed, too, even if I have to pay somebody.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. lindasschaub says:

    I am happy to see a post from you Kim and it was here almost a day before I saw it – sigh. I love this post about Noble, plus the way he looks so coyly at the camera and interacts with his ten friends, a/k/a his feathery pals, the chickens. Amazing how they get along, the chickens don’t flinch or panic when he inches closer … if only we all could get along so splendidly!


    1. Hi Linda – Thanks for popping in. I have really enjoyed having Noble here and watching him interact with the chickens. It has also been fun to try and capture their time together on the camera. We discovered that Noble is sleeping under the pear trees, so sweet but I wish for him to have a safer less open place at night. I guess I worry about these things too much. xo kim

      Liked by 1 person

      1. lindasschaub says:

        The pictures were fabulous Kim – as a nature lover, I would love watching Noble and worry as well. Is there a little shed you could lure him into to sleep at night, save and sound? Even a garage – is that doable? I know next time I read a post, he will be in the house.


  4. Ginny says:

    Hi Kim, I loved your post, and you truly live on a piece of paradise….and your forest friends know it!! I loved hearing about Noble, he has very regal posture and is a beautiful animal. In our yard we feed a gaggle of ducks off the lake, several varieties and they are fierce about allowing newcomers. Also bunnies come to the feeder, squirrels of course….and our little cat sits on my low kitchen window sill and watches, tail twitching madly!! Have noticed a remarkable reduction in the number of wild birds, and seldom hear bird songs…something is happening with the bird population and I worry. Pesticides and who-knows-what-else is doing that. Please continue to share your special spot with all of us!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ginny – your account of all the creatures at your place sounds completely charming and I can so envision your sweet little kitty watching enthusiastically! I too worry about the pesticide use, I know in the area in FL where we have our second home, it is used everywhere on everything and I find that completely unacceptable. Thank you for reading along and taking the time to let me know you appreciate this space. xo kim


  5. shivasiddula says:

    Nice captures.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for stopping in and saying so. I do enjoy time with my camera. Have a good day. Kim


  6. KT Workman says:

    Noble looks quite at home with the girls.
    Lovely pics.


  7. Debra says:

    Hello~I have missed your photos and lovely words. I’m glad life is good at The Farm. Blessings to you and hubby and all the fowl…


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