Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

Oh my how a year can come and go and changes can take place so quickly and yet so slowly that you hardly realize that they have happened.


I’m having a birthday this week, which got me to thinking about this time last year and what has taken place here at the cottage and in our lives.

 This time last year, we were given our first two hens by a friend.  The next day was my birthday and those girls laid our first eggs.  I absolutely thought that was the best present ever, and I still feel that way.

I quickly dreamed of adding more chickens, and a few roosters, which we did.

 Admittedly it would be a bit more peaceful if the roosters were not around, but I’d really miss their cock-a-doodle-doodling – for the most part.IMG_9732-1

 I then had visions of opening a road-side stand and selling eggs.  Call me crazy.

cottage egg stand 4

However, I did it and it was  small-scale, successful, thanks to amazing folks in this community that supported us.

business cards

One of my wishes for this year is to expand the road-side stand.  In addition, to selling  brown eggs I want to include rainbow-colored eggs,

I also plan to sell fresh flowers .  Old fashioned heirloom flowers in simple little arrangements.  I know it is another crazy idea. But maybe, just maybe, the community will support this idea of buying fresh local flowers and purchase from us.


I’ve placed an order for sweet little chicks, they will arrive in March.  I’ve ordered 3 different varieties.  Buff Orpington, which will lay brown eggs.  Easter eggers not necessarily a breed, but a variety of different chickens that lay green, blue and pink-tinted eggs.   Lastly, I ordered Cream Legbars, which lay blue and green eggs.

I’m now working on my seed order, planning to complete that today.  I’m trying to keep heirloom varieties on the top of the list.

 I plan to expand the sunflower and wildflower areas.



I’ll admit, I’m a haphazard flower growing girl.

There is a line in one of my favorite movies, Holiday Inn, where  Fred Astaire’s manager, goes into a floral shop and orders flowers  – he says to the clerk – “two dozen orchids – loose like they don’t care.”

That’s the way I like to grow my flowers, loose like they don’t care.


For small-scale flower farming inspiration, I read Deborah Jeans Dandelion House blog.

dandelion house 2

 I was inspired by Farm Fresh Flowers a road-side flower stand, pictured below.  Someday I hope to have something just as cute.

farmfresh stand

Erin at Floret Flowers says she runs a small-scale flower farm, but it seems bigger than life to me.  Her web-site is not only informative but pure eye candy.

 I’m so grateful that I have been fortunate to chase small dreams and achieve little victories.  As I sat down to write this blog, sweet potato farmer came-a-calling, he got a two dozen egg refill while he was here.  It is so rewarding to share with our local farm friends.

I look forward to spring and reopening the stand, I hope that if you are local you will stop by and say hello.

xo kim

Join along on the hop.




14 thoughts on “expanding the road-side stand

  1. Caroline says:

    Looking forward to the stand opening. I’m going to make a point this year to come by so we can get some fresh eggs and flowers. 🙂


    1. Kim says:

      Hi Caroline – you know we’d love to see you. xo kim


  2. Lisa says:

    I wish I was closer. I would definitely stop by!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kim says:

      Hi Lisa – there are a handful of wonderful artists and bloggers that I have met over the years that I wish I could spend in person time with, and you most certainly are one of them. xo kim


  3. Sarah says:

    The coloured eggs and flowers sound such a wonderful plan. I always enjoy buying produce for stalls like these! Sarah x


    1. Kim says:

      Hi Sarah – there are a lot of people who do enjoy shopping from local growers and makers. Is it wrong for me to hope they shop here? I love my color so why not in my eggs and flowers too! xo kim


  4. Debbie says:

    Hi Kim!
    Awe, I’m so in love with your little micro-f cottage farm!!! It’s just so charming in every little corner…I adore your signage for your egg business…Will you do something similar for your flowers…? I love this phrase!!! ” loose like they don’t care ” … what a great tagline for your flower business! Now you’ve inspired me too… 🙂 Keep doing what you do… it’s all so beautiful and I’m so glad you have found some inspiration for small scale flower farming at Dandelion House… My friend, Dori at blog is the owner of that adorable flower stand… She’s another small scale flower grower in Tennessee. Thank you for reaching out and inviting me over to Coral Cottage… I’ll be back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Kim says:

      Hi Debbie – thanks for stopping by and such a sweet message. I’m thinking maybe that should be my tag line – loose like they don’t care. xo kim


  5. artsychicksw says:

    My goodness, how much fun you must be having dreaming, planning and taking steps for expanding your roadside stand! I can feel it coming through in your writing and photos. How I wish I lived close enough to drive by and hang out for a couple of hours with you, leaving with some eggs and “don’t care flower arrangements”. 😉 I love “don’t care” growing and arranging! I inherited that love from my mom, whom I miss so much. If she needed a flower arrangement she would always tell the florist to make it “like you walked through a field of wild flowers and filled your basket with them”. I love that. Unless one of my kids or my dear hubby gives me flowers, I always go with what grows wild on our property, often given by my oldest son, and just put them in a container in a very “don’t care” way. My Thanksgiving centerpiece always includes some berry filled branches from the trees we have out front. So I think your idea is a wonderful one and would be shocked if it didn’t go over famously. I’m not much of a gardener, though when we lived in Seattle I had a small veggie garden w/ a few flowers here and there and did some container gardening that worked out very well. Probably because they got plently of natural watering with the rain….I’m not good about remembering to water, and if I’m in a bad pain flare and confined to bed I’m not able to water. It’s been so sad to go through losing plant after plant, especially the indoor ones. I haven’t had anything new in quite a while. So, I’m thinking that when we move back to WA this summer, and we find some property to build our small home on, that I will get lots of wildflower mixes to plant all around and enjoy both outside and indoors. I plan to eventually have a studio attached to our home that I can sell my art and jewlery out of…maybe I can sell “don’t care” flower arrangements, too! You are so inspiring, Kim, thank you.

    Love your idea about the colored eggs as well. I wish someone would do that around here LOL I’m not into coloring eggs anymore, besides, God’s natural coloring is better anyway.

    As always, I so enjoy your beautiful photos of life around the cottage. It seems like such a beautiful, natural, full of life and acceptance of uniqueness of all kinds. And that is a direct result of your beautiful soul. ❤ I know you have your struggles, but you alwalys manage to share the goodness and beauty, and sometimes humor, of your life at the Cottage with us here. I am so grateful. Just know that it's okay to share some struggles, for they are where we grown from and we can see how far we've come. Love, Peace and Blessings, Sara


    1. Kim says:

      Ah Sara I feel like we just sat down, shared a cup of warm tea and a great conversation. I do appreciate that you write to me from your heart. Thank you. I especially like the memory you shared of your mom ordering flowers, that is priceless. I too miss my mom every single day, I understand what you are going through. That loss just doesn’t go away, perhaps with time it gets less painful, I don’t know – it still feels pretty raw to me and it has been a year and a half since my mom passed. I know you are going through so much in your life and my heart goes out to you and your husband. I hope your move will be good for you in many ways including maybe a new flower or two will come into your life. 🙂 I’m happy that you will have studio space, I hope that you will blog again someday and share it with us. Every post I make I feel will be my last for many reasons, and then I receive your lovely, caring message and I feel a bit of renewal. Hugs, Kim

      Liked by 1 person

  6. artsychicksw says:

    Kim, I was just telling a friend on another blog that I have basically given up on my blog. It became such a chore to make a post and took me a lot of time…I just had very little joy in it. As I told her, I think it’s because I started the blog mostly to try to expand my customer base…that’s just not a good reason to start a blog. Some posts I really enjoyed making at first, and I always love interacting with people, but I wasn’t really in it for the right reasons. I may someday start a new blog, if my spirit (or The Spirit!) is leading me to do so. As it is, I really think reading the blogs of a few others who have become my friends, like you, is best for me. Not only do I so enjoy reading and sharing back and forth, but I’ve gotten feedback that I am in some way helping. Not only do I find that good for them, but it’s also good *for me*. I feel that I am doing what God put me here to do. When I had to stop working as a therapist due to my health/pain I felt very useless in many ways. The gifts that made me a good therapist were not being used as much. And, I feel good when I’m able to bring that to helping others. It has amazed me that good friendships can be made over the internet, that we can help each and support each other. I don’t think it can be done with lots of different people at once because a level of trust needs to be there that develops over time, but really I have four internet friends that I am close to. With one of them we even talk on the phone about once a week or so. I’m not trying to sound like a stalker, or that I think you and I are best friends or anything! Just that we share a genuine caring for each other and what happens in our lives. And I consider you a friend. I think we help each other, too. You are very inspiring to me, both through your words and your photos.
    I agree with you that the loss of our mothers (and fathers) will always be with us. It just feels like a part of me is missing from the world…I do feel their spirit sometimes. I also have experienced, mostly with my dad so far, who died in 2007, that the pain does lessen in some ways. The rawness heals over time as we adjust to our daily lives without them. I still have moments when the pain increases for a time, especially when I see or experience something that reminds me of my mom or dad or during times such as birthdays, holidays, anniversaries. I believe that we come to learn how to live without their physical selves, especially as we begin to incorporate more and more of their wisdom and love into ourselves and share it with others.
    I have to say that the rawness of the loss of my mom has not lasted as long as it did with my dad. I’m pretty sure that this is because we lost bits of her along the way of her journey with Alzheimer’s. And I grieved these losses along the way…oh, boy did I. There was a degree of feeling relieved when my mom died, for she was free of her hurting body and very muddled mind, and could be the beautiful soul she is…and with my dad again, and God. So, yes, we do have healing from the rawness, but we will always miss them and feel the loss of them in our lives. I do hope that this gives you some enouragement, friend.
    Time to start thinking about sleep for me. Do take care of you. Peace and Blessings, Sara

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Liz Karlsson says:

    So glad I came across your blog! I think we are on the same wave length! lol.. I have 10 chickens and mostly sell eggs to friends and the ladies at church. I am expanding my flower gardens this year to start a fresh cut flower business. Trying to do Farmers Markets and a maybe a u-cut day on the farm. I have found a lot of great advice from Dandelion House as well! Good luck on your adventure! Wishing you much success!


    1. Kim says:

      Well hello Liz – I’m glad you came across my blog too. Your plans sound so nice. I would find it interesting to hear how things progress for you. Dandelion House shares information in a real life attainable way, something I can relate to. I hope you keep in touch and let me know how your garden grows. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note. Best, Kim


  8. What a great idea, to add flowers from your garden. A few years ago I worked for a landscaper guy. He was great because he based his whole business on the idea of using native plants and natural processes. Anyhow, he kept a flower meadow going around his greenhouses, and it was my job to go out with people and cut bouquets for them. 🙂 It was super popular. I think people will really respond to yours.


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