Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

and it will pass

Kim of Red Dirt Farm and Studio



Rain and snow fell from the sky most of the day.  It is cold and it feels raw.  Mostly it feels never ending.












































Hi friends, I hope you are all well.

I’m behind on reading your blogs and following up on comments.  I’ll have to start fresh at some point in the future.

  But do know, I care.

I’m dealing with some health issues, and I’m just not quite myself these days.  No, I don’t want to talk about it and don’t ask, because I’ll just look you in the eye and lie and tell you I’m fine.

Our medical bills could have their own zip code.

Snow and then hints of warmth and sunshine and then cold again.  Sigh.

We have our first ever – rogue broody hen.  Phyllis went broody and picked a spot for her nest, not in the hen-house.  The most inconvenient place inside a tree stump precariously suspended on an embankment, where the ground is too soft for us to safely get to her and the eggs.  Mr. Cottage rigged up some protection and we’ve agonized over leaving her there.  Worrying about predators getting her and the eggs.  In the middle of the snowstorm, when she got off her nest, Mr. Cottage brought food and water to her so she wouldn’t have to go far.  She started out with 14 eggs, the other day I checked there were only 8 – mystery what happened to the others.  The days have been long, but are passing.  Soon.  Very soon.


The new roof is leaking.


The cat has been sick.  Large vet bills and many trips back and forth and many more to go until we get this under control.  Diabetes is the diagnosis.  Insulin shots twice a day.  It is easy for me to give them, he just thinks he is getting extra love and that’s all good with him.

Birds are busy doing their spring routines, even if the weather can’t decide to be spring or not.  Nest building and frolicking and sweet sweet songs.

This pair of blue birds flies to the very top of the pear tree every morning when I go out to the farm stand and watch me while I work.  I love their companionship.

Nice neighbors leave notes and the sweetest little trinkets.  Makes me smile.

Turns out, I don’t hate kale.

  Or collard greens.

I’ve made a lot of egg drop soup lately, so easy and I get to use our abundance of eggs.  It is my almost daily lunch these days.

That’s all for today.


8 thoughts on “and it will pass

  1. Lyn perrin says:

    Your blog is just delightful and Spring will come . It will.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. lindasschaub says:

    Just yesterday I said to myself “did I miss one of Kim’s posts as it’s been an awfully long time since I saw those cute chickens and delicious-looking dinners!” I am sorry to hear you are under the weather … and the kitty too. I loved looking at these pictures – this is what contentment looks like, a cat stretched out or hunkered down just enjoying the rays of the sun. The few signs of Spring are encouraging, but too bad they are intermingled with the snow pics! We have the same cold and ugly weather, but we are SUPPOSED to have snow, not you guys! I also loved the chicken dance. 🙂 Your pictures are great, even if you’r e not feeling so hot yourself. I’ll keep you and the kitty in my prayers. Feel better Kim.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mrs. N in Japan says:

    I am so sorry about your health, the weather…. your cat….chicken….do the best you can to see the joyful things. My friend once gave me a cinnamon scented quilty little coaster for my coffee cup. It said: there is always, always something to be thankful for…indeed. Looking at your photos I know that you know that. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I hope you start feeling better quickly, and just the fact that you have the energy to publish a blog post is a good sign. We all know how much time and effort goes into it!
    I loved every single photo with your peacock in it: the tail in the window, running for dinner, peeking in the window; but then when I looked at all the photos again, I spotted him peering disapprovingly through the window at those lazy cats napping on the comfy chairs. That is so adorable!
    Hope everything gets back to normal at Red Dirt Cottage soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Debra says:

    Papaya likes to be admired-and well he should. He’s just gorgeous. We are going through the mill here too-the stack of medical bills , the tests, other family members with medical things going on, household things going whacky-the Weather! Not fun!
    But it will get warm, and things will hopefully get better. Wishing you all the best dear one.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. D.A. Squires says:

    Dearest Kim,
    Sending all good wishes for a speedy return to good health, for Phyllis to be safe from harm, and for Spring to arrive, hang up her winter coat, and stay : ) You are such a dear, kind-hearted person… your feathered and furry tribe is SO LUCKY. I wish I was a neighbor and could give you a hug…but will send it virtually…xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  7. says:

    Praying your health worries soon subside and the vet bills disappear. You covered my questions on the broody hen but why was the peacock peeking in the window? And what’s the name, again, of those chickens with the hairy face and top hat of feathers?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Lisa Stamper Meyer says:

    Thinking of you – spring will eventually come and it will be abundant!

    Liked by 1 person

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