Red Dirt Farm and Studio

Living a creative life artist farmer dreamer

chicken dance

Kim of Red Dirt Farm and Studio

The big machines came back this week with a rumble.

The inspector general engineer came to overlook the mountain of dirt and the catacombs below and gave his seal of approval. (BIG YAY)

This week we also received an approval letter from the highway department for our second driveway. (yay again)

So here at the new entrance, is the future site of my fantasy  flower and egg farm stand.


Every agency has to get in on this whole process and get their fees paid – and we haven’t even started building yet.

The distribution box is set in place.



I asked about – what I thought was sheets of plastic down in the drain lines.  Turns out it is a special material, much like garden fabric, that is placed over the plastic drain pipes.

It helps with the drainage, but keeps out the sediment.  Cool beans, huh?

It was ten brr degrees, when I went out early morning, to feed Cornelius and to take these photos.  I didn’t linger long.

Cornelius does a quick fly by to see what was for breakfast and to shout out his thank yous.



Bitter cold, and lots of wind, but no snow.


Saturday was busy busy here.

Mr. Cottage purchased a land-scape rake that goes on the tractor, to smooth out our acres of mud and tree roots left from all the excavation.

Father Cottage was kind enough to haul it out to our place on his truck.



Father Cottage rocking the farm equipment a week after getting his pacemaker. Awesome – huh!

Over by the house, the new septic system was hooked up.

I got the first flush – just sayin’.

Next week we will get the old system pumped out and broken down.


The excavation team wrapped up their part of phase one.

For the next phase, Best man showed up to talk over our house plans.

He will be doing all the architectural drawings for us.  The fun excited part of planning what and where everything will go is next.


Mr. Cottage got to play with his new toy for a little while.


In the foreground of the above photo you can see where he has gone over the soil, and what a difference it makes.



This spring with a smooth surface, I dream of little sunflower seeds making their way to the fresh soil.



Farm Girl sent me a text on Saturday to let me know that our mutual friend would be contacting me about some chickens he wanted to get rid of.

Before I could even respond to her text, we received a phone call from our friend looking to hook me up with his discarded chickens.  Seems he has a couple of hens that

are pecked on by the others in the coop.  He was going to turn them loose or if I wanted them I could have them.

So heck, yeah, even though I’m not prepared – I’m all over that.

In the past we have gotten into situations like this without proper thought and planning and this time we were bound and determined not to get chickens until we had everything in place.

Well that is shot all to the moon and back.

  We are going to spend the day scrambling to put together a make shift coop.

I haven’t been this excited about anything in a long time.

I’ve dreamed of this day for at least forty  – yes that is a four and a zero –  years.

The chickens are coming!

I’m doing the chicken dance.

signature feather

16 thoughts on “chicken dance

  1. Sharon "Reilly" says:

    I look forward to the Chicken dance video !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Sharon – you know I can do that – might not be suitable for all audiences! Cluck Cluck! xo kim


  2. That is FABULUOUS!! Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Melissa – a dream come true – you know I am all over that! xo Kim


  3. Hooray for you and all the good news but particularly hooray for the chickens!!!! So happy for you. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes horay for the chickens! Staci you’ve been my inspiration for so long. I wanted to have pretty chickens to photograph like on your beautiful blog. Xo Kim


  4. says:

    I can’t wait to hear chicken stories. I’ve always liked chickens myself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Me too. I might even try them on a leash! Okay maybe not, but for sure endless chicken tales.


      1. says:

        Bwahahahaha, your chickens on a leash like my friend Lam.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Let me know when the farm stand is ready and you have some eggs — I’ll be right over! 🙂


    1. Caroline that’s a plan. Hey if you guys see a cool old vehicle that would make an awesome farm stand let me know.xo kim


      1. We will definitely be on the look out for you and keep you posted. Have you checked M & M Salvage by any chance? I’ve never been there even when it was Cosners but always thought they have may something cool you could possibly find to re-purpose. Also, not sure if you’ve seen this but down 250 towards Manakin, a place opened up that looks sort of second hand and may be thrifty. I think the sign said they buy, sell and trade. We haven’t had a chance to stop yet but will soon to check it out. I know I’ve seen garden/farm implements outside and looks like they have home type stuff inside.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Debra says:

    Oh Kim-this is all so wonderful!!! All of it-father cottage coming, the chickens coming, eggs, soil being raked-I love it all! I’m so excited for you!!! Can’t wait to see those chickens!!!


    1. Debra – you are so right, it is all wonderful. I have to pinch myself! xo Kim


  7. Winter Owls says:

    How exciting Kim, I hope you are going to give them all names!

    Just make sure your coop is Mr Fox proof. My stepmother had a lovely lot of chickens right in the middle of surburbia until Mr Fox climbed a six foot high paling fence.

    The chickens roamed around their garden eating bugs and compost plus some wheat and produced the most yellow eggs I’ve ever seen. You really can taste the difference!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh Jen – yes the fox, raccoon, possum, coyote and Mr. Bear are all a problem around here. My girls will free range in the day and be safely locked away at night. I’ve read letting them free range is the best for producing the very yellow yoke with the most flavor. It is so exciting getting learn all this new stuff. xo k


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